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Now that Bridges I had finally departed on a mission to rebuild America, terrorist attacks and assaults by Homo Demens were on the rise, and that, combined with the BTs and the MULEs, made it harder and harder for Higgs and the others to work.
Sam himself was literally handcuffed to his mission to reconnect America using the Chiral Network and to save Amelie.
Their mission was to infiltrate the various cells that claimed territorial rights all over Brooklyn, and since turnover and burnout were high, much of their success could be attributed to anonymous tips and street informants.
He hadn’t planned on starting this mission today, but after that disastrous attempt at a lesson with Nesta, he’d needed to do something.
This will be your last mission as part of the Corpse Disposal Team.
I saw the body, but I decided I’d go ahead with the mission.
It is my holy mission to restore this balance, not only to see Maceriya prosper again.
You don’t have the connections to try subterfuge or to enact a rescue mission.
Pedestrians cased the sidewalk in a mission destination frenzy.
Sam had naively believed in that mission before.
” The word alone brought back the details from Deadman’s briefing and Igor was brought face-to-face with the weight of their mission.