“DESCRIBE” на испанском языке


другие переводы

describe depict portray explain picture paint
tell relate report describe
draw trace plot lay out delineate describe



report recount relate tell of set out chronicle detail catalog give a rundown of explain illustrate discuss comment on limn

примеры использования

The term Feyre used to describe her court.

Colleagues describe her as a Vintage Chic lifer.

Four nights after their arrival, Drauthek was trying to teach Rel how to describe past events in their tongue, his efforts causing Drauthek no end of hilarity, when a heavy hand touched the shoulder of the modalman, and he got up and left without a word.

The words that people with DOOMS and people without DOOMS used to describe death were different.

How little they describe.

Three months hence follow me on the road I shall describe to you, but speak to no one of what you know.

In truth, it was a level of suffering neither of them could describe.

Nothing in his vocabulary to describe the depth of his fury.

The syntax they used to describe the Beach itself was different.

Just as he found it impossible to describe his feelings, he couldn’t stop his tears either.

She never considered using it to describe a guy.