“ANSWER” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
answer response reply
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answer reply


имя существительное

reply response rejoinder reaction retort riposte comeback


reply respond make a rejoinder rejoin retort riposte return

примеры использования

“The answer is yes and no.

”Dobbs hesitated, but not wishing to give the impression that he had no answer ready, he said: “Oh no, I’m not alone.

She sat for what seemed a long time, wondering what she could do, realising that the answer was nothing and then wondering it again anyway.

Nesta didn’t reply, and that was answer enough.

You still didn’t answer my question.

That’s your answer to every danger we come across.

“And my answer is the same: this store is mine.

He would have wanted you to answer our questions.

Do not answer any challenge.

I think she finally knows the answer.

” And without waiting for an answer he planted his fist in the stranger’s face with such force that he dropped full-length as if felled by a heavy club.