“BOB” на казахском языке



имя существительное

bobtail dock


move up and down bounce toss skip dance jounce wobble jiggle joggle jolt jerk nod incline dip wag waggle

примеры использования

Even Amren’s face paled at whatever Rhys showed her, and then she was shaking her head, her black bob of hair swaying.

”Mor assessed him with a bob of her thick lashes.

The delicate female was regal in a gown of light gray, diamonds at her throat and wrists, her usual black bob silvered with the starlight.

Another hooded priestess drifted by, and offered Nesta a bob of the chin in greeting.

And her right hook didn’t so much as bob downward.

Amren’s red lips curled, her bob of black hair gleaming.