“CLEAN” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
clean pure healthy neat tidy wholesome
clean clear


имя прилагательное

fair honest sporting sportsmanlike honorable according to the rules on the level


wash cleanse wipe sponge scrub mop rinse scour swab hose down sluice (down) disinfect shampoo lave

имя существительное

clean and jerk


completely entirely totally fully quite utterly absolutely

примеры использования

She’d return to the Dralamut and the killers could clean up their own mess as they saw fit without her.

You make six bucks a day clean.

And clean this shit up or get fucked up!

He stepped to the nearest tree, rubbed the machete clean against the bark, then, wetting his fingers with his tongue, tested the edge and, satisfied with his inspection, pushed the machete back into its scabbard.

An Elemental Man appeared in front of him, sliced his head clean off without moving anything except his arm and then stepped aside to let the body fall.

You probably think that keeping yourself at one remove keeps you safe, and your reputation as an upholder of justice clean.

It was caked with filth that came out in endless crumbs, and now, halfway between clean and filthy, it began to itch.

“I won’t tell you to trust me, but I’ll make sure to clean up this mess of yours.

The golden threads shimmered and sang, and she couldn’t take it, the music between their souls, the feel of his body on her and in her, and—Release blasted through her, obliterating every last bit of that inner wall, razing mountains and forests, wiping the world clean with light and pleasure, stars crashing down from the heavens in a never-ending rain.

Leading her into the sunlight and clean air.

“When our children can breathe air as clean as that on the Spires.