“DISCUSS” на казахском языке


другие переводы

discuss debate



examine explore study analyze go into deal with treat consider concern itself with tackle

примеры использования

“We had better discuss the plans for reinforcing the castle, hadn’t we?

“He wants to discuss this when I get to New York.

”Discomfited, Cinda walked faster, catching up to her brother and leaning close, presumably to discuss what she’d just been told.

We’ll discuss your situation.

And I’m turning in, leaving you to discuss how to give me cold feet.

“If this is really about the Investiture, you think Baron Fedgley is going to spare his arcanist to discuss a necklace of narjag ears you found in the wilderness?

‘We will discuss him if so.

Shall we discuss it privately?

“We can discuss it later …,” Cassian began, but Nesta straightened.

“Perhaps I might come within your keep, where we may discuss this like people of good manners?

But she said before the male could reply, “We’ll discuss this later, Bellius.