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‘I do not know, Master Alchemist, but what she has done so far is to command me as her Night Watchman to prepare this place for the defence that must come.
His role was done.
The staff had done what they could to clean the room, but the broken stone would take weeks for masons to replace.
She had no regrets about what she’d done in the dining room.
Cassian didn’t regret what he’d done with her.
But Joy hadn’t done a thing, and she’d been punishing herself ever since.
”“I don’t know what we could have done, but we could have done something,” declared Anne.
’ Which was how they’d done it before, silver chains lifting the net into place while dozens of slaves laboured beneath to raise the frame that would hold it.
“Well done.
All Sam had done was project his past onto this poor baby.
They will release me, because I have done nothing.