“HOT” на казахском языке


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имя прилагательное
hot steamy
hot tense emotional intoxicated


имя прилагательное

heated piping hot sizzling steaming roasting boiling (hot) searing scorching scalding burning red-hot

примеры использования

It built a fire as hot as its new body would allow and burst its shell apart.

Raheem slid his arm under his brother’s head and pulled him close, hot tears falling from his eyes as he moaned out loud, rocking the corpse and consumed with grief.

His left shoulder grew hot.

He seems tired from the long march over the hot country.

It was August, and the park was hot and crowded.

It was hot and sticky and festive as hell.

Entertainment, your gully beats and hot lyrics keep the ink flowing over my paper and the stories flowing from my soul.

She could feel the beat of his heart under her cheek, the warmth of his damp skin under her fingers, his hot breath on her head.

Hand in hand, they walk outside into the hot August afternoon.

A burst of hot desert wind cuts across the parking lot as she unfolds from the car and a wave of nostalgia rolls over her.

He puffed several more times to get it burning hot and then flicked the stick into the fire.