“LOVELY” на казахском языке


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имя прилагательное

beautiful pretty attractive good-looking appealing handsome adorable exquisite sweet personable charming enchanting engaging winsome seductive sexy gorgeous alluring ravishing glamorous tasty knockout stunning drop-dead gorgeous killer cute foxy hot beauteous comely fair

имя существительное

pin-up cover girl

примеры использования

The formal gardens of their first home, that lovely manor near the sea.

Cassian opened his eyes, and they were so lovely they nearly stole the breath from her.

” Rhys asked Emerie, that kind, lovely smile appearing again.

It’s been lovely to meet you, and thanks for your help.

And then pray that the lovely home Feyre and Rhys had just moved into wouldn’t be reduced to rubble.

Even though he knew well that what lay inside Mor was far more lovely and perfect than her exterior.

Fat, fluffy clouds drifted by, filled with peach-colored light, lovely against the purpling sky.

It was raised, stark white against her brown skin, and flowed from her tightly curling black hair to her slender, lovely jaw.

Nesta couldn’t put her finger on what changes had been wrought beyond the pointed ears, but Elain had gone from lovely to devastatingly beautiful.

Thank you for working so tirelessly to make so many of my dreams come true—and for being a brilliant, lovely human being.

A lined face became beautiful and lovely.