“LYING” на казахском языке


другие переводы

lie belong
өтірік айту


имя прилагательное

untruthful false dishonest mendacious deceitful deceiving duplicitous double-dealing two-faced perfidious

имя существительное

untruthfulness fabrication fibbing perjury white lies falseness falsity dishonesty mendacity telling stories invention misrepresentation deceit duplicity perfidy


tell an untruth tell a lie fib dissemble dissimulate misinform mislead tell a white lie perjure oneself commit perjury prevaricate lie through one's teeth stretch the truth forswear oneself

примеры использования

“Nigga, quit lying.

He saw half a dozen figures standing and several more lying prone.

She was lying.

There were as many soldiers lying on the ground as standing, and beyond the gates, even in the pouring rain, Rew could see the dark mass of more narjags attempting to force their way into the breach.

Even after lying down on the bed, Sam didn’t feel sleepy.

Bridges personnel found him lying outside the isolation ward… Similar to when you came back from Cliff’s Beach,” Deadman added.

The man he’d been facing was lying face down on the floor.

Someone was lying face up on a padded lounge chair ahead in the darkness.

The engineer, also lying on the track and left for dead, came to after a while.

Dozens of them were lying dead or wounded on the cobblestone street.

His arm was dead from him lying upon it.