“SHAKE” на казахском языке


другие переводы

vibrate shiver shake tremble


имя существительное

flourish brandish wave


brandish wave flourish swing wield

примеры использования

”He tried to shake Sam’s hands away and make a grab for the pod.

Sam struggled with all his might to shake off what Higgs had just said.

She couldn’t shake the notion that they were waiting for something.

What he saw made his hands shake and his mouth go dry.

Rew glanced at Blythe again and saw the ranger shake her head slightly.

He had a feeling he couldn’t shake that she didn’t.

Sam tried to shake himself free, but his entire arm, all way from the wrist to the shoulder, felt like it was on fire.

As she tried to blink the light out of her eyes and shake the ringing from her ears, darkness fell again; and then she saw the vast shape of a glasship rise slowly past the eyrie rim, over the wall, huge and glittering, a monster from the depths, the golden rim of its outer disc glowing bright as it charged its lightning cannon to fire again.

She went from terror to wanting to shake him.

” Sam may have refused to shake Igor’s hand, but at least he met his gaze directly.

But still, he can’t shake .