“SQUARE” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
square area


имя прилагательное

quadrilateral rectangular oblong right-angled at right angles perpendicular straight level parallel horizontal upright vertical true plane



имя существительное

market square marketplace plaza piazza


agree tally be in agreement be consistent match up correspond fit coincide accord conform be compatible

примеры использования

From his new vantage he realised the mounds were the remains of a massive building that had at its centre a square two hundred yards across.

The same one who’d been with them in the square.

They skirted what had once been a thriving market, the stump of a bell tower marking the square behind it, full of soldiers now.

Afterwards they rode the tube to Phineas’s place, and sat around with him, taking three seats around a square table.

Like all the other houses in the village, it was of adobe and faced the plaza, a big square which was formed on all the four sides by rows of similarly built houses.

Hardly one blanket could be found with more square inches of goods than square inches of holes.

Back to square one.

He stares at the screen, finger hovering over the blue square icon, and watches the loading spinner circle until it disappears, alerting him that the app has fully loaded.

People his father had killed, then carved out a square of skin, and pressed it in this thick book, and they’d been preserved.

Rew slammed his knee up, catching the man square in the crotch.

That narrowed the search considerably, but it left them with five by ten square blocks of Falvar that Rew suspected could hide the thieves’ lair.