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“I’d rather see him bounce for a minute than have him scrambling yay like them niggahs on the stoop.
Red Lin Feyn had to stoop to walk against the wind, the headdress whipping around her.
Away from the bustle of the camp, Rel knelt on the ground and brushed black sand away from a door stoop sized for modalmen.
He had to stoop to get by.
She follows Taryn out of the apartment and dumps the bag into the building’s recycling below the stoop.
They’re not old enough, for one, and even a down on their luck merchant wouldn’t stoop to thieving such a small amount.
” The last thing she wanted to risk was Dylan showing up on her porch stoop or sending an email because he found her on the internet.
”Baby Brother grinned and lifted his chin at the skinny brother standing on the stoop.
Waiting for her she found a tiny windowless compartment that was so low she had to stoop.