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Okay, that was weird.
”MARK MORRIS, AUTHOR OF TOADY, STITCH AND MANY MORE“The Loosening Skin works as a quirky new weird thriller, but its triumph lies in the way Whiteley uses the metaphor of shedding skin to examine the tortured process of love and attachment.
I knew something weird was going on.
As soon as Sam felt something weird in the depths of his nose, his eyes began to well up.
The obelisk had weird writing on it.
The light outside was weird so he peeked at his watch.
Focusing on something new would also help her feel less weird about her stunt earlier today.
‘You going to go all weird on me again, Crazy?
Taking pictures of strangers was weird.
This book will cement Aliya Whiteley’s reputation as one of the finest of a new generation of weird fiction writers.
The sigils also looked a lot like the weird patterns he’d seen etched into the walls of the Pinnacles back in the dragon-lands and the sigils Crazy’s warlocks had tattooed onto their faces and Crazy Mad carried himself, in intricate little silvery marks all around the massive scar on his leg.