“WINDOW” на казахском языке


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She makes her way to the diner and waits to be seated until a family of three vacates her table by the window.

He groaned, blinking up at the window above them.

” Igor tapped on the rear window and signaled to the driver.

A window set at head height slid open, and Rew could see a face peering between the steel bars that protected the peep hole.

Another window allowed him to watch all that was going on in the patio and to see that no guest took a better cot than he had paid for.

Nesta had already asked the House to prepare a bedroom for all three of them to share, and she’d entered the private library to find it transformed: by the window against the far wall, a worktable and chairs had been swapped for three cots, each laden with blankets and pillows.

The silenced round sprayed the Guider’s brains out over the window and the room turned red.

She glanced out the window.

Heffi flung open the window.

Joy looked out the window.

’The Arbiter turned slowly back to the window and stared at the distant darkening sky.