“IGNORE” на русском языке


другие переводы

ignore disregard overlook defy eliminate elide
neglect flout disregard ignore disdain defy
miss skip pass overlook miss out ignore
reject dismiss deflect divert turn down ignore



disregard take no notice of pay no attention to pay no heed to turn a blind eye to turn a deaf ear to tune out

примеры использования

Here it’s all just, yeah, yeah, some half-god left behind a spire of stone that reaches all the way up to the sky and there’s a hole in the world that eats everything that enters and no one has the first idea why or what it’s for but never mind, just ignore it, just leave it be and everything will be fine.

At the far end of the room, a little dais led into a broad raised alcove flanked by more books—and in its center, a massive, working model of their world, the stars and planets around it, and some other fancy things that had been explained to Cassian once before he deemed them boring and proceeded to ignore them completely.

The junior t’varr overseer stiffened when he saw Tsen but then decided to ignore him too.

They tried to ignore the long fall below them.

Liang hurried to take Belli’s arm before he said something stupid – he kept glancing at the hatchery, at the unfinished netting, but you didn’t ignore a summons from the Elemental Men, not for anything.

Rew shivered and tried to ignore the sneaking suspicion that the spellcaster had been lying about the beacon, but then they came across the site of a battle.

He forced himself to ignore the flipping in his gut, keep his eyes ahead, and try not to think about how high they were climbing.

Just as she’d ignore whatever was said today.

The House seemed to ignore her.

”Cassian chose to ignore the innuendo, and the flicker of arousal from both of them.

I try to ignore the tight feeling London gives me in my chest; is it simply the stale air of the Underground?