“ACTIVE” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
active dynamic stirring energetic militant dynamical
acting active valid effective working functioning
valid real actual active virtual true
active busy effective mercurial humming operose
live living alive lively animate active
vigorous energetic spirited strenuous dynamic active
lively busy animated brisk vivacious active
radioactive active radiologic
sui juris active
имя существительное
действительный залог
active voice active


имя прилагательное

energetic lively sprightly spry mobile vigorous vital dynamic sporty busy occupied on the go

имя существительное

active voice

примеры использования

Even though he had long withdrawn from active duty, he still had the body of a soldier.

• Age 28 – Third moult while on active duty, Cyprus, established pattern of stressful moults.

” asked Goodfellow Brask, who knew Demion Morthrock socially, although took a far more active interest in his factories than Demion did in his own.

The tar that had been bubbling up in the west had been more active recently, but she didn’t know why.

It’s in all her cells—cells that are no longer active.

It was the next phase in the Valkyrie mind-training: to go from seated calm to active soothing.

He appeared to become younger and more active with every mile that the little train made toward its goal.

George Baton had told him at the waystation that MULEs were active around here.

And even if they managed to avoid all of them, they’d probably have issues where the MULEs were active.

Two Catholic priests had been recognized by passengers as active members of the bandit band.

In the pockets of the dead and the executed were found purses, jewelry, train-tickets, dollar bills, ladies’ handbags, and other things that come into the possession of active bandits.