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A rain of iron balls fell past her, dozens of them, each the size of her fist.
More impressions from toes and the balls of the feet, no heels.
She took him deep, and moaned so loudly it reverberated along his cock and straight into his balls.
And he had a lot of iron balls and a crew of a dozen men for each cluster of cannon and a whole pile of conveniently abandoned sleds to carry all the powder and shot.
The pink plastic box will be filled with water by Liam’s daughter, who will then empty a packet of glittery balls into it.
My Rosie would have had my balls for a stunt like this.
Just as long as she ended her performance gargling his dick with his balls puffing out both of her cheeks, he was cool.
The balls will expand, slowly, over time, into fish simulacra.
He hadn’t the first idea, but the glasships were coming straight towards the eyrie, and all he had to do was keep making it rain iron balls somewhere between them and eventually he’d hit something.
Pieces of her curled up into sobbing balls and others ran screaming in fear but she made herself stand firm, forced herself to face him eye to eye because that was what a dragon-queen learned to do, and if she could do it with a dragon then she could do it with a man, any man, however hard it was.
“These balls represent the worlds around our own.