“BLUEBIRD” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
певчая птица
songbird warbler bluebird singer songster
синяя птица счастья
дарующий счастье


имя существительное

fairy bluebird

примеры использования

The Mountain Bluebird is the only bluebird that nests in alpine parkland and high elevation open areas.

These results suggest that male western bluebirds do not make significant adjustments in their share of provisioning when they have evidence of partial paternity loss.

I discovered that the chickadees had fledged from the bluebird box and bluebirds had started a nest with one egg already laid.

The area is home to a variety of other birds, including nesting bald eagles, hawks, owls, bluebirds and several other songbirds, wild turkeys, herons, and waterfowl.

Pigeons are predominant, but, as you explore, you see sparrows and bluebirds and flickers and blue jays and wrens and kestrels and starlings and robins.