“BROADCLOTH” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
тонкое черное сукно
шелковая ткань в рубчик

примеры использования

Between 1620 and 1700 sailings averaged eight ships a year, mainly laden with broadcloth , iron and silver on the outward half of the eighteen-month round trip, and with pepper on the return journey.

his green broadcloth jacket

Once the shirt went away, all of the mills that made fine broadcloth shirting fabric disappeared.

Still, Reece is a poet and a clerk, as much at home now with pinpoint and broadcloth as with the meter and rhyme.

Ben had risen before her and was already shaved and resplendently dressed in silver grey broadcloth with matching waistcoat, white shirt and black ribbon tie.