“BUYING” на русском языке


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purchase buying


имя существительное


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I know why Max keeps buying the pills.

All that remained was buying her enough time to escape.

He could look over a lot in the jungle and name his price for the job in such a well-calculated way that the company thought they were buying cheap when in fact he made a large profit on every contract.

Going down to the village for buying or trading was far from being a vacation trip.

The second creature veered around, and Rew surged off his knees, lashing at it with his longsword and buying himself space to glance behind where three more narjags were circling his fire.

The temple was already being bedecked with flowers of every variety, enchanted against wilting, as well as silks and lace and candles and garlands—all of it paid for by Rhys, who could not stop buying her presents.

Without looking too closely at the three men, he went over to the burros and examined them with the utmost care, as experienced farmers do when buying animals.

The place looked like a fair, for people who had to wait were buying fruit, lunch, shirts, cigarettes, guns, ammunition, hardware, leather goods.

”So they spent the next three days buying burros from the Indian peasants.