“COILED” на русском языке


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wind loop twist curl curve bend twine entwine spiral corkscrew

примеры использования

Even if she could still feel it streaming through her blood, coiled tight around her bones.

” Nesta asked, checking the knife at her side, the rope she’d coiled over a shoulder and the Illyrian bow there.

It covered the palms of Sam’s hands like an amorphous creature, coiled around his wrists and bound him in place.

”The man raised the orb high, and Rew saw the tightly coiled clouds flashing orange and red, as if a storm raged within—or an inferno.

The new, liquid ground coiled itself around Igor’s legs.

The thread coiled around him unraveled, and the man gracefully descended out of the web.

An obstacle course lay all around it, coiled like a snake throughout.

Nesta emerged, her braided hair now coiled across the crown of her head like a woven tiara.

Sam grabbed the man’s neck as he tried to tear himself away, but something coiled around his hand.

It was like the dragons in the sky had coiled into a vortex.

But his body that second time incorporated trees swallowed by the sea, their roots and branches coiled like sinews in the corpse flesh of his limbs, while his head and chest were made of the coiled cadaver of a giant sea dragon, the rotting face of the beast furnishing the lord of the drowned with a new, bestial visage.