“GETTING” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
receiving getting recipient
имя существительное
recess notch groove excavation hollow getting


имя существительное



acquire obtain come by receive gain earn win come into take possession of be given buy purchase procure secure gather collect pick up hook net land achieve attain get one's hands on get one's mitts on get hold of grab bag score

примеры использования

Or would it even be like getting trapped in a spider’s web, and no longer being able to move?

Azriel was forbidden from getting within a few miles of her, thanks to the threat of the Crown, and any reports had to be verified by multiple sources.

“Everybody just chill out and let’s concentrate on getting Baby Brother in the ground.

’The starters arrive, just as I was gearing up to getting it all off my chest.

He knew he had been dreaming, but the difference between dreams and reality was getting harder to distinguish.

I’m not getting grounded over this.

Whatever it was, he wanted to avoid getting entangled in it, and the best way to do that was to stay ignorant.

Sam made a puzzled expression as he tried to figure out what Deadman was getting at.

“Your tea is getting cold.

It looks to me as if the field is getting suspiciously thin.

’‘In Petra’s case, she just didn’t like people getting away with bad behaviour.