“HUCKLEBERRY” на русском языке


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имя существительное
blueberry bilberry whortleberry huckleberry hurtleberry blaeberry

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I'm convinced that my huckleberry pie will get people to take me seriously as a bona fide pastry chef.

The huckleberry is native throughout the Pacific Northwest, providing yet another avenue for spread of the disease.

Drought-tolerant shrubs range from manzanita, cotoneaster and rockrose to toyon, huckleberry and other varieties of ceanothus.

Recently, volunteer crews dug up a variety of forest plants including huckleberry , sword fern, deer fern and maple vine from the low elevation filtration site.

However, the fruit of the huckleberry is different in structure; it is not a true berry, but a drupe, a fruit with a hard stone.