“KILLED” на русском языке


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имя прилагательное
killed murdered slain assassinated slaughtered
liquidated eliminated killed
destroyed ruined disrupted blasted demolished killed



murder take/end the life of assassinate eliminate terminate dispatch finish off put to death execute slaughter butcher massacre wipe out annihilate exterminate mow down shoot down cut down cut to pieces bump off polish off do away with do in knock off take out croak stiff blow away liquidate dispose of ice snuff rub out waste whack smoke neutralize slay

примеры использования

I killed it, I killed it!

A great many of Persin’s group had been killed when Shrane opened the gate.

’ Liang had an instant, that was all, before the Elemental Man killed her too.

America had killed Cliff.

I didn’t know anything about anyone getting killed!

The Investiture, swirling gently in the far-off corner of the kingdom, and two of his men had already been killed.

killed mercilessly and robbed for their own pockets men, women, and children whom they knew were members of the same church, believing at the time that they were doing so to help their church and to please the Holy Virgin and the Pope.

But looking at Baby Brother killed all those past demons.

He saw several bodies, but they looked like they could have been killed by their companions.

He knelt, and he killed them.

The second time they came, they killed every man, woman and child.