“LAMPS” на русском языке


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имя существительное
lamp bulb tube
lamp illuminator
lantern lamp bay bay window
torch luminary lamp cresset
light luminary star lamp
illuminate light light up illumine lighten elucidate
shine light beam lamp beacon
таращить глаза
goggle gawk stare lamp


имя существительное

light lantern floor lamp table lamp bedside lamp banker's lamp gooseneck lamp chandelier gasolier candelabra Tiffany lamp floodlight spotlight strobe light arc lamp fluorescent lamp track lights lava lamp sunlamp flashlight streetlight streetlamp Chinese lantern Japanese lantern storm lantern hurricane lamp oil lamp kerosene lamp Coleman lamp

примеры использования

Three bells until sunrise, and the Off Parade was a ghost town lit by glimmer lamps.

The glimmer lamps lining the road outside flickered and went out, plunging the street into darkness.

Why are the glimmer lamps out?

The light of the sun had been cut off completely, and along the street, the lamps had not yet been lit.

The tailors and seamstresses were bustling about, lighting lamps outside of their doors or closing up, balefully eyeing the stone-paved street that recently would have been filled with potential customers.

After she installed lamps in the sun, she spent hours tending to the rest of the machine, oiling workings and freeing up parts that had stuck.

Three glimmer lamps were screwed into the uprights.

They sat in the High Lord’s study, illuminated by the light of green glass lamps and a heavy iron chandelier.

No glow of distant cities or ships’ lamps on the sea.

Sivan was already there, flitting from wall to wall, lighting lamps while the sword-slaves poked and prodded Tsen as far as a soft couch.

A lonely woman sat upon a bed in a strange room lit by lamps that were not fire but were not glimmer.