“LOSING” на русском языке


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имя существительное
loss losing
проигрыш в игре
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mislay misplace be unable to find lose track of leave (behind) fail to keep/retain fail to keep sight of

примеры использования

”Priest staggered, losing his grip on the orange juice.

He couldn’t risk losing cargo this precious.

Were they losing their edge?

” thundered the baron, suddenly losing his temper and stabbing a finger at Alsayer.

He continued left, attempting to avoid the swamp, but soon found himself losing his sense of direction.

”“Weapons, for one,” said Rew, losing his grin.

But losing your friendship is a loss I can’t endure.

He smiled as if he’d just remembered something he’d been grasping at for a lifetime, then he spoke again, more softly than before, “Sh’tka’heh says we’re losers, that the whole fuckin’ world has started to lose, and now it wants to keep on losing because it’s easier that way.

There are many sufferers of Epidermal Sclerosis here; I have greeted some on my walk, and tried not to wince in sympathy at their diseased skin, crumpled and hanging, losing its shape.

“She’s losing too much blood, and I can feel the babe’s heart in distress,” Madja announced.

Engineers fought a losing battle to impose order on the enthusiastic hordes of citizens tunnelling their way downward.