“PERSONALITIES” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное


имя существительное

character nature disposition temperament makeup persona psyche

примеры использования

”“Masters rarely have a care for the personalities of their slaves,” said Rel bitterly.

”The change in the porter’s tone was so drastic, it was like he had suddenly switched personalities with someone.

But it was better that they die as men than experience the agony of being remade and having their personalities stripped away.

Wherever she looked, she found a reflection of her own face, stretched and distorted, a thousand different aspects and personalities tied by a single name.

I can still remember the smell in his offices—it was like a thousand different personalities all crammed into one space.

’He wanted to get Nicky to run through all the names and personalities he would be meeting again, but the presence of the student – whose name he couldn’t even remember at that moment – stymied him.

Bridges had stolen their personalities and names before they were even born.