“RECIPROCALS” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
обратная величина
opposite contrast opposition contrary contradiction reciprocal


имя существительное

reciprocal cross

примеры использования

These soon became known as Barlow's Tables and this work gives factors, squares, cubes, square roots, reciprocals and hyperbolic logarithms of all numbers from 1 to 10 000.

From the point of view of present-day English the most interesting aspect of reciprocals seems to be whether there is a difference between ‘each other’ and ‘one another’.

For the latter Professor Aitken would ask for members of the class to give him numbers for which he would then write down the reciprocal , the square root, the cube root or other appropriate expression.

Let's work out our problem using the reciprocal of the numerator fraction.

He defined the curvature of a circle as the reciprocal of its radius.