“SECONDS” на русском языке


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a second helping a further helping more


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примеры использования

A few seconds was enough.

He rasped, seconds before collapsing onto his face, “Run, Zaine.

It was that worry that hounded her as they wrapped up lessons, panting and sweating despite the frigid morning thanks to the Valkyrie sprints they’d been practicing: ten seconds at a full sprint, thirty seconds trotting, another ten seconds sprinting … For fifteen minutes straight.

Tall-drink-of-water guy sat there for a good five seconds when he suddenly snapped.

”“Here are the rules: I play a song and you have ten seconds to guess the artist.

But that afternoon, it was Gwyn’s panting that announced her presence seconds before she appeared, her eyes wide enough that Nesta went on alert, scanning the dimness behind the priestess.

”“You three still have … twenty seconds.

Tuuran gave him a few seconds before he either fainted or drowned in his own blood.

The lights that had been stable until just a few seconds ago began to flicker on and off.

’For a few seconds she stared past Liang out into the empty space beyond the gondola as if trying to see into some other far-off world.

’ The Arbiter closed the door and for a few seconds stood very still, eyes closed.