“SPRITE” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
elf pixie leprechaun sprite fairy pixy
fairy faerie sprite pixie faery fay


имя существительное

fairy elf pixie imp brownie puck peri leprechaun nymph sylph naiad

примеры использования

Some scientists believe that if Columbia was hit by a sprite , heat-shield tiles could have been blasted off, exposing the vulnerable airframe.

Oberon tells Puck, a mischievous sprite , to fetch him a certain magic flower, the juice of which he will press on the eyes of Titania while she sleeps, so that she may fall in love with what she first sees when she wakes.

In England the hobgoblin was as helpful a sprite as the brownie and was also known as Robin Goodfellow or Puck.

It was a CD for kids, which used cartoon sprites to teach basic computing skills.

The graphics are 2D sprites and tiled backgrounds instead of a 3D engine that most modern games use.