“SYMBOL” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
symbol character letter sign emblem type
sign mark character symbol badge token
designation symbol name sign denomination denotation
emblem insignia symbol device ensign blazon
identifier symbol


имя существительное

emblem token sign representation figure image metaphor allegory icon

примеры использования

He used to say that it was the symbol of mass-produced human suffering.

It had originally been intended for use when Amelie was giving instructions as a commander, but before long the staff were just using it to admire Amelie as a symbol.

“They’re a symbol of our bonds.

The important thing is that everyone’s Beaches are reintegrated under the symbol of America.

A device or symbol that—“Arcanist Ralcrist shook his head.

On the chest of one mannequin that wore a red and blue body suit was a symbol of a spider, whereas the mannequin dressed in the black bodysuit had pointy ears.

Maybe some kind of symbol that connected people.

That’s why Deadman thought that it made sense for the handcuff-like device to be a symbol of Bridges.

The symbol of her power was a human-shaped BT sensor called a Bridge Baby.

A symbol of freedom and hope.

”* * *“The president was a symbol of American reconstructionism,” Die-Hardman said as they placed the president’s body inside a body bag.