“UNREACHABLE” на русском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
unattainable unreachable unachievable unobtainable unapproachable reachless


имя прилагательное

out of reach unapproachable unreached

примеры использования

Lessing is at her best when describing the glow of unreachable wealth.

As I said sorry to bother you but the call centre guy refused to write down the information when I gave it to him, and Rob Connell seems to be unreachable .

The boy is mute and ferocious, seemingly unreachable - and possibly history's first documented autistic child.

The way is hard and long, but I feel that we have been set upon the right road towards that hitherto unreachable Nirvana.

He could not confirm the decision by BT to reprieve 100 phone boxes from closure because the relevant manager was unreachable .