“WALLS” на русском языке


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имя существительное
wall side wall of partition
wall side paries backstop quay
shaft tree roller roll spindle wave
barrier hurdle bar wall division
block barrier hedge wall bar barricade
side flank hip wall sidepiece side elevation
fortification defenses defense wall defence defences
строить укрепления
strengthen reinforce fortify consolidate harden firm
обносить стеной
wall encompass
разделять стеной


имя существительное

barrier partition enclosure screen panel divider bulkhead


enclose bound encircle confine hem close in shut in fence in

примеры использования

He called her back and they walked the walls together, battered by the relentless gale as the eyrie drifted in its lazy orbit around the Godspike.

Thing was, he’d seen writing like this back in the Pinnacles in the places where the Silver King had worked his magics, and the white stone there was the same as in the eyrie and now here, and a pillar was just a pillar but two pillars started to look like an archway or a gateway, and the Pinnacles had had archways lining the walls everywhere.

The gondola walls were silver and jade, carved into dragons and lions.

There were already men up on the walls and other men coming running out of the tunnels and passages dressed in their nightclothes.

There were a dozen guards crumpled against the walls and sprawled on the center of the plush carpet.

”The guards atop the walls of the keep conferred then shouted down, “You’re right.

We need to build a bridge to cross this sea, not walls.

“I don’t understand,” said Jon, spinning in the street, looking from the keep to the city walls and then back again.

’He is the Black Moon, whispered the dragons in her mind, and Zafir laughed because here was a thing that no alchemist could know, no Adamantine Man, but she did because she’d seen it deep within the Pinnacles, in the murals on the walls in the places forbidden to any but the queen of the Silver City.

As the walls of the abyss drew slowly closer, she saw an arch of stone reach from one side to the other, and further down were others, dozens of them until they vanished into the darkness.

The walls stared back at her, silent and still.