“WASTED” на русском языке


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имя прилагательное
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имя прилагательное

squandered misspent misdirected misused dissipated pointless useless needless unnecessary vain fruitless


squander misspend misuse fritter away throw away lavish dissipate throw around blow splurge

примеры использования

In less than a day he’d picked up on her driving anxiety and had wasted no time to put her at ease.

“Absolutely wasted.

With the same stuff in other combinations he tightened the wooden channels and the basins so that here, too, no water was wasted.

No skill, his father had said, was ever wasted.

My Nesta, her mother had always called her, even on her deathbed, so wasted and pale from typhus.

“Weeks, while you wasted away, refusing food and drink.

All his body was wasted.

They hadn’t wasted any time.

Nesta wasted little time in entering the shop.

They’d stood over her wasted body and held hands and vowed that no matter what happened to them, they’d stay together and make something good come outta their lives.

“You’re wasted at the Night Court,” Eris murmured as she twirled, skirts enveloping the two of them.