“FRUSTRATED” на немецкии языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
disappointed frustrated
desperate despairing frantic frustrated forlorn
depressed down frustrated downcast in the dumps


имя прилагательное

disappointed defeated foiled discomfited thwarted


exasperate infuriate annoy anger vex irritate irk try someone's patience disappoint discontent dissatisfy discourage dishearten dispirit aggravate bug miff

примеры использования

A bead curtain hid a small waiting room that smelled of sweat and frustrated sailors.

He felt so frustrated at himself for not knowing another way.

It made him feel so frustrated and pathetic that he couldn’t help his friend.

When Sam thought about how damaging that must have been, his naivety as a child frustrated him.

Then a little more, until finally, frustrated that his own desires not be realised and fearing the hunger of the void, he steeped these Five in so much Will there was little else to them but Will, and the divine flesh that came from himself was greatly diluted by the stuff of Will.

Rel grew increasingly frustrated that he could not understand the language.

Waiting for the elevator to reach the upper levels frustrated her immensely, and she immediately tumbled out of the doors as soon as they opened.

A frustrated groan rumbled in his chest.

Their tantrums shook the ground, remaking it with a frustrated artist’s energy.

Mama felt frustrated that she couldn’t go outside.