“TANK” на немецкии языке


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имя существительное
armor tank shell carapace shield armour
pool basin tank pelvis bowl reservoir
memory store reservoir tank attic storehouse
boiler kettle tank pot basin vat


имя существительное

container receptacle vat cistern repository reservoir basin

примеры использования

”“I’ll fill up your gas tank when we get to Flagstaff, assuming you win, which I highly doubt.

I told Terence, once, about the Grecian vase, the neon fish tank and the awards ceremonies.

‘You used to hate that fish tank I owned, do you remember?

I couldn’t work out if she meant a fish tank or a battle tank.

Howard even burned lime out of the rocks, mixed it with sand and clay, and built a tank that would lose not a drop of water except what evaporated.

‘I asked her what she wanted and she said a tank.

She wore her hair in a ponytail and sported thin-rimmed glasses and a tank top.

Sit down and fill up the ol’ tank to the rim.

In contrast to Mama’s preferred look of a white tank top and work pants, Lockne wore a blue-black cape with a hood that wrapped all the way around her.

There was no more mystery about it than about digging out a tank on a cattle ranch or working in a sand mine.

It was a slender woman in a tank top with her hair tied back.