“WHY” на немецкии языке


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why wherefore
why for which reason
why to what whereto
why wherefore
for what why what for



how come for what reason for what purpose what for to what end wherefore

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And if you meant for me to learn of it, why didn’t you just tell me yourself?

“You see, Ranger, why I’ve invested my life’s study in fashioning this ward?

It was the mark of a portal that had been opened carelessly, but narjags didn’t have the art to cast such high magic, and why would any spellcaster who did have the skill open a portal for Dark Kind?

And why are you even asking?

That’s why I waited, to see the horror in your eyes, knowing there’s no way you can protect them all, nothing you can do but wait for your loved ones to die.

They know that even hundreds of thousands of Dark Kind are not enough to unseat mankind as the rulers of this world, so why did they lead the armies?

That’s why extinction is coming for us.

Fedgley certainly had invoked defenses around himself, but with the ease Alsayer had burned through the baroness’, Rew couldn’t understand why Alsayer didn’t even attempt to strike the baron.

The dragon wondered who could have done such a thing and why and how, who could have made a little one like this, so cleverly done and difficult to unravel – but dragons were immortal and had time until the end of the world.

“Perhaps that’s why the Autumn Court soldiers were in Oorid: she can’t yet risk setting foot here, but she found a unit to go in for her.

That’s why Sam could see both the destruction left behind in the early stages of the Death Stranding and traces of destruction from just a few months ago.