“AT” на казахском языке


другие переводы

at beside by
in at for into
in at for into
at in into
in into at


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примеры использования

”They didn’t have long to wait, as several men appeared below them on the stairs, compact iron crossbows in hand, deadly quarrels pointed directly at the two rangers.

I have a golden sun above me, at night a silver moon, and there is peace in the land.

Or that they were passing through a tunnel with a light at the end.

But by the end of that night, Nesta had been at the front of the line to get off the boat, arms tight around herself, and Amren had been brooding at the other end of it, nearly shaking with rage and disgust.

Alone once again in his private room, Sam looked at the empty space where the pod had once been connected to the incubator.

”The woman shook her head, but her expression didn’t change in the slightest and she continued staring at Lou.

Come and look at the future!

Next day he would be in the city, sleeping in a good bed in a hotel, sitting at a real table with wellcooked food before him, served by a bowing waiter.

” He stared into the dense thicket and at the same time embraced Dobbs’s whole body.

They were weird little men but they knew a path out of the Queverra that wound back and forth past the river that cascaded into it, one that passed little pools full of beautiful cold clear water that tasted divine, and they carried food on their backs and never complained even if they watched Tuuran with a strange mix of awe and envy and fear while grovelling in the dirt whenever Crazy so much as looked at them.

”Grim-faced, the two girls took the opposite side of the table and, at Anne’s direction, helped strip the boy’s clothes away, exposing the brutal, jagged tear in his stark white flesh.