“CHAIR” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
chair pulpit
chair bench


имя существительное



preside over take the chair of lead direct run manage control be in charge of

примеры использования

She left the headdress on her chair and walked slowly away, the Arbiter no more.

Heartman sat back down in his lounge chair.

A metal folding chair scraped along the floor and Dylan looked up.

His ploy to frighten the thieves into immediate action wouldn’t do a bit of good if their only tie to Alsayer was bound to a chair in the middle of the room.

Jon was slumped in a chair against the opposite wall, where petitioners could sit while awaiting their turn with the baron.

’” Heartman got up from his chair and held out his hand.

”Joy glanced at the empty chair beside her, not wanting to break eye contact with Dylan for too long.

”Cassian leaned back in his chair.

What— He bolted out of the chair in the Oak & Ash’s common room, his hand going for his sword.

Rose noted the curve of her body, and how her belly stood proud from the chair.

Or the warden presses a button or puts forward a switch, and the mug sitting tight in the chair gets the shock and meets the devil at the gate with a brass band waiting for him.