“DRANK” на казахском языке


другие переводы

drink take



swallow gulp down quaff guzzle imbibe sip consume swig down knock back put away swill chug

примеры использования

He found a gold-glass sled in the cellars and dragged up a keg of wine and they all drank together until his head was swimming.

Rose touched glasses with Phin, then with Petra, and drank.

”Nesta met his hazel stare, the no-nonsense face, and drank the water.

”Raif, forgetting himself, drank from his own ale mug.

” Nesta drank the glass Gwyn extended.

”The thief took it and drank.

He pulled Liang into some shelter where at least they were out of the wind and he could hear himself think, snatched the cup out of Liang’s hands and drank.

He let his woman get her head buzzed while he drank Pepsi and stayed straight.

”He frowned at her, put his tankard to his lips, and drank deeply of the crisp ale.

’ He waved her away then watched as she shrugged and drank a mouthful and offered it again.

”Rew grimaced and drank his ale.