“FEATHERS” на казахском языке


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имя существительное

plume quill flight feather tail feather covert plumule plumage feathering down



примеры использования

Blood, feathers and fur flew everywhere.

There were patterns woven among feathers of shimmering electrum, a pale coppery gold, but they were subtle and too far away for Liang to make them out.

The Arbiter’s robe was of firebird feathers stolen from the deep jungles and lava runs of Qeled, feathers that seemed to burn like flames, the deeper darker ones around her feet where the robe flared, then growing lighter in strands that wrapped her body in spirals like the weave of a rope and made her appear a tornado of swirling naked flame.

The man in the emerald feathers drew a long knife from his belt and threw himself forward.

His slaves braided his hair down to his ankles and dressed him in his robe of golden feathers.

The mid-limbs were underdeveloped, and folded close into the thing’s— she had no idea if it were male or female—greasy coat of feathers.

The tail ended in a spiked club, but in between the knobs of bone projected blade-like feathers.

The feathers in their headgear were sprigs of seaweed wafting in the current generated by the passage of the army.

Its coat of feathers was so wet they were plastered to its skin, and it was consequently sluggish in the cold.

’He blinked a few times and frowned, then shook his head and ran on, and it was only after he’d gone that she realised he didn’t recognise her without her painted face and gold-glass shards and wreathed in flames of feathers.

’ Him in his emerald feathers and her in gold-glass armour.