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To help them remember that all it might take to secure Briallyn’s alliance would be to hand over a certain Archeron sister.
” He squeezed her hand and she gave him a winning smile.
She held out a hand to him.
Cassian rolled his shoulder, hand at his jaw as he said to Az, “Bastard.
”Cassian grinned, and the hand at her waist swept down to cup her bare ass.
”Cassian rubbed his jaw with his free hand.
Cassian forced himself to sit perfectly still as Rhys dragged a hand through his black hair.
He recalled the bucket list clenched in her hand when she’d come out of the bathroom and sighed.
”His hand stilled, then resumed.
”She heeded him, and his hand wrapped around her elbow as it began to dip.
Ron watched as Thump moaned audibly and ran his hand over the sapphire-blue pickguard.