“LED” на казахском языке


другие переводы

begin start commence lead guide conduct
басшылық ету


имя существительное

light-emitting diode


guide conduct show show the way lead the way usher escort steer pilot shepherd accompany see take

примеры использования

Valatrice led the way.

It was she who led this dance.

Which led me to consider another possibility: that it isn’t the director and Amelie who have a connection, but the director and Clifford Unger?

There were no tracks except the ones that led away.

As Baby Brother was led down the hall he passed between a row of cells where inmates grasped the bars and checked out the new meat.

Because of the structure of this level, which led to the outside world up a slope, the low rumble of thunder shook the floor and walls and jolted Sam’s body in its tight grip.

Ahead of him was the long, broad avenue which led directly to the northern gate.

Rew led the party up the steep slope of the Falvar Bridge, and they turned around, looking back over the small settlement at its foot beside the river and to the walled city beyond.

Three men sat around the tiny fire whose flames had led him.

He has a shrewd mind, and will not be led.

He led the way to the cliffs, into a different cave and through a wide rough tunnel.