“MAN” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
man human person
ер адам


имя существительное

male adult male gentleman guy fellow fella joe geezer gent bloke chap dude hombre menfolk


staff crew occupy people

примеры использования

At the fore was a young man Rel recognised.

This was the man who Lou was so scared of.

” screamed another man.

Several meters away, the man with the Odradek who Sam considered their leader, along with the two other attackers, were advancing back-to-back.

“Your offer still good, man?

Here was a man who Sam could somewhat relate to.

‘I don’t know what you are any more, Belli, but you’re a good man.

She knew for a fact that he wasn’t volunteering on the manhunt—a black man in this neck of the woods, after sundown?

“You thought the man had a beacon affixed to him, that he was drawing the Dark Kind to him,” guessed Ralcrist.

He stood in front of Lin Feyn far longer than he should until, like the waiting man in green, he dropped to one knee.

When you were no longer around, I had to face up to the fact that I wasn’t the man I thought I was.