“PAPER” на казахском языке


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имя существительное

writing paper notepaper bond paper vellum rice paper tracing paper graph paper construction paper


wallpaper hang wallpaper on

примеры использования

In the blink of an eye it blew up into a huge sphere bigger than the gondola and as thin as paper.

She folded the paper and tucked the list into her purse, out of his sight.

The air was still as dry as dust but ahead he saw the glitter of water sparkle here and there in the far distance, while the land become as flat as paper.

”His eyes narrowed and he studied the ruled paper.

“The plan is”—he unfolded his paper map and scanned the grids—“six and a half hours of driving fun.

” He dropped a small paper bag on Dylan’s lap.

Most of the lists were printed on white cotton goods because they were examined so frequently and so nervously that those printed on paper did not last long, and they had to last for a year, since premiums were payable any time inside of twelve months after the drawing.

”Joy looks at the paper in her hand.

He crouched beside the basket, fingering the few corners of paper that survived, looking for anything that might still be legible.

Sam scooped it up, when a slip of paper fell from inside it.

Now she waited as Clotho wrote out an answer and handed over a piece of paper.