“REST” на казахском языке


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имя существительное
vacation rest holiday relaxation recess


имя существительное

repose relaxation leisure respite time off breathing space downtime sleep nap power nap doze shut-eye snooze lie-down forty winks


relax take a rest ease up/off let up slow down have/take a break unbend unwind recharge one's batteries be at leisure take it easy put one's feet up lie down go to bed have/take a nap catnap doze sleep take five have/take a breather catch forty winks get some shut-eye take a load off chill (out) chillax catch some Zs

примеры использования

The rest we killed.

It is that incident where the three partners, after having spotted the mine, try to hold out on the rest.

He ate the rest of it, furrowed his brow, took the bags back to the fridge, and pulled out a carton of grapefruit juice.

The guild leader, Rew guessed, from the easy way the man carried himself and the way the rest of the people in the room turned to follow his movement.

”“Understood,” said Cinda, nodding as if they’d just finalized a trade agreement between cities rather than instructions to quietly rest.

“As are the rest of us,” mumbled Anne.

The rest he didn’t want to see.

Kill enough of them, and the rest will fall in line.

The rest kept on taking barrels off a glass sled hovering in the air beside them.

It’s just a space I rest in sometimes, where I don’t have to be recognisably anything.

‘Not to the rest of the world.