“RIDING” на казахском языке


другие переводы

go ride address
атқа салт жүру


имя существительное

horseback riding


sit on mount bestride manage handle control

примеры использования

Their fate had been sealed by the adoption of the predatory riding dracon by Ruthnia’s armies, for the horse had no claws or sharp teeth, and was no match in battle for the reptiles.

A truck he could only dream of having with his salary, and he despised the fact that some punk who probably never even finished high school was riding around in it.

Even draconlings, the six-winged cousins to draconbirds, rarely exceeded the size of a riding dracon.

Dylan has a grand riding on them not lasting.

Unless it’s a perfect shot, it won’t kill them, so aim for the narjags if they’re riding the ayres.

Memories of him and their trip pour into her head and an image so vivid of him riding alongside her appears that she feels like he’s there.

I wouldn’t want you riding back at this hour.

There were tricks to riding a dragon through a dive like that, tricks they couldn’t possibly know.

She felt her ribs bend and creak, and there were her ancestors, riding their whirlwind to take her, and this time she had nothing left.

The first egg vanished on its sled into the darkness with twenty desert men riding beside it.

Now, the soldiers are riding into Chalchilmitesa, a village far off the roads, inhabited by Indian farmers.