“RUN” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя существительное
run flee


имя существительное

sprint jog dash gallop trot


sprint race dart rush dash hasten hurry scurry scamper bolt fly gallop career charge shoot hurtle speed zoom go like lightning go hell-bent for leather go like the wind go like a bat out of hell jog trot tear pelt scoot hotfoot it leg it belt zip whip bomb hightail it barrel

примеры использования

She knew how to use a gun and could run five miles in forty minutes, but mainly she could use a computer and keep a lot of other people running in the right direction.

“Maybe they can’t help us, but they love us, so they’re not going to run away sooner than they need to.

The road did not run straight, and passage between two near points might require a journey of a million years, were it attempted at human speeds.

The men are quite well rested after that last run of snow.

She couldn’t remember the last time she’d run so fast, or if she’d ever been as terrified as she was now.

She grabbed his face and turned it and he knew he had to run away right now if he wanted at all to live, and yet still he didn’t, because it was still her face, and if he was going to die then that was what he wanted to see as he faded.

”“We’re lucky we didn’t run into this,” remarked Jon, coming up to walk beside them, watching Raif and Cinda conferring with their father’s men.

Most people are only afraid of getting caught, and that makes them, not better, but only more careful and more hypocritical; makes them work their brains so that it would be difficult to catch them once they’ve run off.

The workers from the Lemio mill had run everywhere after they were dumped.

She climbed onto it and the golem started to run.

“I want to run a test.