“SINGLE” на казахском языке


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имя прилагательное
тұрмысқа шықпаған


имя прилагательное

one one only sole lone solitary isolated by itself unique exclusive unaccompanied by oneself alone solo odd


select pick out fix on choose decide on target earmark mark out distinguish differentiate separate out set apart/aside put aside cull

примеры использования

Even though it didn’t shed a single tear, Sam could tell his BB was frightened.

Didn’t look down at the gutted corpse of the warrior whose abdomen it had sliced open with a single swipe.

The narjags are terribly afraid of them, and a single valaan can control a hundreds of the lesser Dark Kind.

“It’s different when you’re not facing a single opponent.

At night it is different, then they do not allow a single word.

There was not a single man in port who had not thought several times of looking for a lost gold mine—or for a new one.

Every single one of us is irreplaceable.

Not a single Spaniard survived or escaped.

They were so surprised at the failure of that gun that they forgot to laugh or to sneer or to say a single word or utter an exclamation.

Brauctha started to speak again, ending his last pronouncement on a single shouted word.

They keep every single shedded skin, and it’s the fashion to have special temperature-controlled rooms for them.